June 27, 2022

Insurance Coverage Denial Versus Insurance Liability Denial.

Insurance Coverage DenialThere is a difference between an insurance coverage denial and a case where the insurance company is just denying liability.

In coverage denial car accident cases, the insurance company is denying that insurance coverage even exists for this particular car accident.  In liability denials, the insurance company admits there is coverage for this type of car accident, but just doesn’t believe they are at-fault.

Example.  Coverage Denial.  Rear-Ender University Avenue Provo.   You are rear-ended on University Avenue in Provo, UT 84606.  The insurance company for the at-fault driver has denied coverage indicating that their driver failed to pay their insurance premiums.  The at-fault driver’s insurance is denying coverage for the rear-end car accident.  Not denying that their insured driver was not legally at-fault.

Example.  Liability Denial.  Head-On Collision Provo Canyon.  You are involved in a head-on collision in Provo Canyon, Utah 84604.  You are the passenger.  The insurance company for the car you were in is denying liability.  Stating it was the oncoming driver was at-fault.  The oncoming driver’s insurance company is also denying liability, pointing the finger at the driver of your car.   These two car insurance companies agree insurance coverage exists, but deny that they are at-fault for the accident and thus denying liability.


When you are facing a liability denial in your Utah car accident case you have the following options:Utah car insurance coverage denials

(1).  File a lawsuit.  Small Claims if under the $15,000 cap or District Court.

(2).  Try to negotiate and persuade them of your position.  (good luck).

Often the only option you have in a denied liability car accident case is to sue the other driver.  You can sue them in a Utah Small Claims Court with the new 2022 $15,000 cap.  Or you can sue them in a Utah District Court.  You have to sue them within the applicable statute of limitations.   See this quick guide on car accident statute of limitations.

See the common timelines in litigated Utah car accident cases.

You will need an experience jury trial lawyer on your side.

CALL/TXT JAKE GUNTER (801) 373-6345 FOR A FREE CONSULTATION ON YOUR UTAH CAR ACCIDENT CASE.  He has nearly 20 years’ experience trying lawsuits.