July 20, 2022
Most Utah Car Accident Cases Settle. The question often asked, “Is my Utah car accident going to a jury trial? Is there even going to be a publicly filed lawsuit?” Looking at the pure case statistics, it is highly unlikely that your Utah car accident case will ever see the light of a glorious Utah […]
July 13, 2022
MOAB ROLLOVER ACCIDENTS Utah arguable is the outdoor capital of the world. Hosting high mountain peaks, skiing, desert solitaires and Moab, Utah. Moab is an international attraction for off-road vehicles and ATVs. There are a host of ATV, and Jeep rental companies available for use in Moab’s beautiful red rocks. Just like being injured in […]
July 11, 2022
3 TYPES OF LOST WAGES IN UTAH CAR ACCIDENTS. As blogged about earlier, there are 3 basic different types of lost wage damages in a Utah car accident. (1). Past lost wages, (2). Future lost wages, and (3). Future impaired capacity to work. HOW TO PROVE PURE BACK LOST WAGES. This blog post is […]
July 08, 2022
There are 3 Basic Types of Lost Wages in a Utah Car Accident Case. When you are in a Utah car accident it often effects your ability to work. You can be missing work entirely for weeks on-end, or missing a few hours per week due to medical appointments. Other times your physical and mental […]
June 27, 2022
What is a Utah Car Accident Coverage Denial? Being denied insurance coverage in a Utah car accident is different than having the insurance company recognize there is insurance coverage, but deny being liable. Insurance coverage denials happen in all sorts of contexts. Fires, car accidents, PIP benefits, underinsured, uninsured and the list goes on. In […]
June 27, 2022
Insurance Coverage Denial Versus Insurance Liability Denial. There is a difference between an insurance coverage denial and a case where the insurance company is just denying liability. In coverage denial car accident cases, the insurance company is denying that insurance coverage even exists for this particular car accident. In liability denials, the insurance company admits […]
June 13, 2022
Here are the following types of Utah Courts. Utah Justice Court. Currently there are 81 Justice Court judges who serve in 115 county and municipal courts. Class B Misdemeanors and below. Utah’s small claims courts sit inside the justice courts and have a jurisdictional limit of $15,000 as of 05/2022. Small Claims handles most all […]
June 13, 2022
UTAH CAR ACCIDENT ARBITRATION. CALL/TXT JAKE (801) 373-6345. In most car accident cases, arbitration is a choice made by the parties or elected by the injured plaintiff party. In certain types of underinsured, or uninsured motorist claims, arbitration may be forced by the insurance company through the subject insurance policy language. Arbitration can be by […]
June 13, 2022
What is Mediation in a Utah Car Accident Claim? Car accident mediation in Utah is a voluntary process where the parties hire a neutral third party to help facilitate a settlement. Lately, mediation often occurs over video. Before COVID-19, mediations generally happened in an attorney’s office or in their conference room. The parties are immediately […]
June 13, 2022
I was in a Utah Car Accident. What Are Common Types of Damages in a Utah Car Accident? Damages in a Utah car accident come in many different forms, but here are the most common damages in a Utah car accident. (1). Pain & Suffering. Pain and suffering is also called general damages, or non-economic […]